Actors Luz abandonaría la Casa de Gran Hermano

Como viene sucediendo desde el reingreso de Cristian Urrizaga (de los nominados el elige a uno por twitter y el confesionario online y ese participante termina abandonando la casa), esta vez eligió por Luz.
 Además en las encuestas de Internet figuran estos resultados:

  1. Luz: 77%
  2. Gisele: 16%
  3. Pamela: 5%

Lo único que falta es cuestión de horas y prender Telefe hoy a las 21:30 y ver desde el comienzo la nueva Gala de Expulsión...
News for Dr Richard Webber

Fotos Actores Rusia está en cuartos de final de básquetbol

Fotos Actores
La selección de Rusia ha logrado su pase a los cuartos de final del Mundial, que se está celebrando en Turquía, tras vencer a Nueva Zelanda (78-56) en los octavos de final, en donde los oceánicos no pudieron lograr la sorpresa, por lo que los rusos se verán las caras con Estados Unidos en la siguiente ronda el próximo jueves.

Los neozelandeses comenzaron con el mismo estilo de juego con el que ganaron por sorpresa a los franceses en el último partido de grupos y sabiendo que no tenían nada que perder, empezaron a encestar canastas para acabar el primer cuarto con ventaja (13-15).

Sin embargo, Rusia se puso a carburar en el segundo periodo y con un parcial de 13-0 puso las cosas en su sitio (21-29) gracias a las ayudas de los jugadores de banquillo como Mozgov, que anotó cinco puntos casi consecutivos, para jugar con tranquilidad y buscar una victoria, a priori obligada.

Tras el descanso, Nueva Zelanda estuvo cinco minutos sin anotar, justo los que estuvo en el banquillo su estrella anotadora, Kirk Penny, que dejó la cancha por tener cuatro faltas, pero que tuvo que volver para intentar reanimar a su selección, ya que Rusia había conseguido otro parcial de 13-0 en ese tiempo que puso muy cuesta arriba la sorpresa.

Desde entonces, los rusos se limitaron a aumentar su ventaja gracias a la impotencia neozelandesa y acabar llevándose una victoriaNews for Dra irandabailey

Noticias Law and Order - Brazil - Casting Call


[PROFESSOR PHILLIP SHOEMAKER] mid 30s, an interesting, quirky guy. technophile and scientist. He was granted custody of his 8 yr old daughter Nicole, but his ex-wife re-married and took Nicole to live in Brazil with her new husband Oscar. For three years with no success, he has been fighting in the Brazilian courts to get his daughter back. "A man who'd do absolutely anything to be with his daughter", he reasons that if he gets rid Oscar then there will be nothing keeping Dana and Nicole in Brazil; so, he comes up with the plan to poison Oscar while at a science conference in NY. It looks for a while like he might get away with it, but his emotions get the best of him while testifying on the stand. LEAD

[DANA SILVA] 30-35, American, attractive but not exotic looking, After divorcing Phillip Shoemaker she re-marries a Brazilian scientist Oscar Silva and moves with her daughter Nicole to Brazil. This violates the agreement that gave her ex-husband sole custody, and although Shoemaker has gone to Brazil several times to get Nicole back, Dana and Oscar have so far successfully stopped him. Dana arrives in NY to help Oscar recover and bring him back to Brazil, but is incarcerated because of an outstanding warrant for her arrest from when she took Nicole to Brazil. She cuts a deal with the ADAs to help them with the criminal case against her ex-husband and in return they release her into her parents' custody with her daughter until things get straightened out. LEAD

[MAURA STERLING] 35-45, Attorney defending Shoemaker in the trial for the attempted murder of Oscar Silva. After Dana and Nicole Silva arrive in the US, she uses the family court custody proceedings to get a preview of the criminal case against her client. She is a strong advocate for her client and not above researching personal information on the ADAs to help her case. LEAD

[SHARON LEHMAN] Dana's mother, 60s. See father's description below.

[NELSON LEHMAN] Dana's father – 60s. Throughout their daughter's court battles, they seem like sympathetic, worried parents. In fact, they are more interested in their grand-daughter, and come up with a boating accident hoax to make their daughter look like an unfit mother. When that doesn't work, Nelson tries to take the blame for the attempted poisoning of Oscar so that his wife can become little Nicole's sole guardian sptv050769. FOUR-FIVE SCENES (some non-speaking)

[KATE ORRIS] early 40s, Represents Dana Silva in the custody battle against her ex-husband Phillip Shoemaker. Smart enough to leverage her client out of jail with some pertinent information that the ADA's find helpful to their criminal case against Shoemaker. FOUR-FIVE SCENES

[ELI DRISCOLL] 40ish, blustery. Dana Silva's attorney who is at her side when the detectives first question her about her husband's poisoning. TWO SCENES

[JUDGE ALICE PINN] female, over 40, presides over the open custody case between Phillip Shoemaker and his ex-wife Dana Silva. FOUR-FIVE SCENES

[JUDGE TAVIS WAINWRIGHT] male, over 40, presides over the criminal case against Phillip Shoemaker for the attempted murder of Oscar Silva. THREE-FOUR SCENES

[NICOLE SILVA] 6-8 yrs old, American, cute. Daughter of Dana Silva and Phillip Shoemaker. Currently living in Brazil with her mom and step-dad, Oscar Silva. Her mom brings her to New York after Oscar is poisoned, and she becomes the center of a custody battle between her mom, her dad, and her grandparents. 3 SCENES (2 non-speaking)

[OSCAR SILVA] 40-45, dapper, vital, A Brazilian environmental scientist who strongly disagrees with the science supporting global warming. His wife and 8-year-old stepdaughter are home in Brazil waiting for him to come back from lecturing at a climate change symposium in New York. He is poisoned and collapses into a coma in the middle of giving his speech. Upon investigation, the police find out he was running a stock scam along with his lecturing. This character speaks with Brazilian accent 2 SCENES

[DR. EVERETT BROWN] 40-45, distinguished, possibly British, "Sagan-esque". On the panel at the Global Warming 2010 Symposium with Oscar Silva. Although they disagree about the validity of global warming, he surprisingly speaks out in agreement with Oscar on the financial aspects of climate change. We find out that Oscar was blackmailing him with emails detailing fact falsifying in his research. THREE SCENES

[DR. RAMSEY] m/f, 50-55, more administrator than academic, he is the organizer of the global warming conference and answers the detectives' questions about the scientists in attendance.

[LARRY CATTERMOLE] 40ish, "bushy-haired and beard, a cloistered academic". Tells the detectives he was surprised when his colleague publicly spoke out in agreement with Oscar Silva on the economics of climate change.

[ANDERSON LEAVITT] m/f, 30, uber-geek, a young scientist who was supposed to attend the conference, but ditched at the last minute to watch rare cloud formations in Montana. Shoemaker used his nametag to crash the breakfast where Oscar was poisoned.

[NOWITZKI] m/f, 40-50, Attorney representing Nelson Lehman when he agrees to allocate that he was the one who attempted to poison Oscar Silva.

[VERNON CLAYTON] m/f, 30-35, Native American, A dodgy type, on parole for smuggling Viagra across the Canadian boarder. The detectives find him from the P.O. box registered to his name and ask him if perhaps he's been smuggling other drugs as well…

[REPORTER] m/f, 25-35, Seen on television reporting a breaking story that strong currents have carried a boat with 8 year old Nicole on it out to sea.

[VOLUNTEER] m/f, Alerts Nicole's family that the boat she is supposedly on, has been found.

[UNI] m/f, 25-35, the officer who finds a groggy, tearful Nicole asleep in a storage shed by the boathouse and carries her back to her worried family.

[MLI LARSON] female, 30-40, at the crime scene and fills the detectives in on what might have caused Oscar to collapse.

[BAILIFF] m/f, 35-45 - reads the docket number in court.

Source: SpoilerTV
News for Dra meredith Grey

Noticias Famosos Primeras fotos calientes de Rocio Gancedo

Noticias Famosos La primera eliminada de la casa mostró toda su belleza. Dice que quiere ser bailarina y vedette. Actitud no le falta.
'Me encantaría ser la nueva Claudia Ciardone'

Rocío Magallán estuvo sólo dos semanas dentro de la 'casa más famosa'. Sólo 14 días de pantalla. Pero a la rubia le bastaron para salir del reality y tener planes sobre las tablas, rumores de romances pasados y tapas de revistas en el horizonte. O sea, el ABC de una vedette. habló en exclusiva con ella, y la primera eliminada de Gran Hermano no dudó en reafirmar sus objetivos futuros: 'Quiero ser vedette. Es mi objetivo cien por ciento', dijo de entrada. Aunque después se atajó: 'No sé si se me va a dar'.

-¿Te tenés fe para mantenerte en el medio ya sin Gran Hermano?

-Sé que voy a tener que remarla, pero voy a ir a todos los programas. A pesar de no estar las 24 horas en pantalla, voy a mostrarme todo lo que pueda.

-¿Ya tenés propuestas de trabajo?

-¡Sí! Hay revistas muy copadas que me ofrecieron sumarme. Tiene que ver con el mundo de las plumas, que es lo que me gusta.

-¿Sentís que podés seguir los pasos de Ciardone? Ella se mantuvo en los medios pese a haber sido la primera eliminada de GH4.

-¡Ojalá! Quiero ser la nueva Claudia Ciardone. Me encantaría. Ella es re bonita y pudo hacer toda una carrera. Tenemos varias similitudes con Claudia, pero pienso que a ella no le debe gustar que la comparen conmigo, pobre.

-¿Ser la nueva Claudia Ciardone podría incluir ser la nueva novia de Ricardo Fort?

-¡Ay, no! La verdad que no. Soy de valorar mucho la estética y no me parece atractivo.

-¿Ya hubo sexo en Gran Hermano?

-¡Sí! Gisele estuvo con Jonatan. Por lo que vi al salir, se taparon con una sábana, pero para mí tuvieron sexo.

-¿Vos hubieras tenido algo con Cristian Yañez durante el programa? Dentro de la casa se los vio muy cerca.

-No. Sólo dije que me parecía lindo y nada más. Mi ex novio me está esperando afuera, tenemos una charla pendiente. Espero que no se haya enojado por nada de lo que pasó ahí, porque él es muy celoso. Yo estaba jugando.

-¿Te quedó algo pendiente por hacer dentro de la casa?

-Si llego a volver a entrar (N de la R: en GH4 Claudia Ciardone reingresó por votación de sus compañeros), le haría la fulminante a Pamela. Iría directo contra ella porque me traicionó.

-¿Quién creés que gana?

-Pienso que Leandro tiene una gran estrategia: llevarse bien con todos, ser sensible, tener un amor afuera y respetarlo. También me gustaría que lleguen Alejandro y Luz, por sus dos historias impactantes.

Para el final, Rocío dijo su verdad sobre un supuesto romance con Jonás Gutiérrez, jugador de la Selección Argentina: 'Lo conocí en Ezeiza cuando volvieron del Mundial de Sudáfrica, él me pidió mi mail pero no hablamos nunca más. No me gusta físicamente y no me interesa estar con él sólo por el hecho de que es famoso'. El ítem botinera, por ahora queda pendiente para Rocío.News for Dr Jackson Avery